Official Side Event at the United Nations High Level Political Forum
Peace Boat and the Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF), will host an official side event at the 12th session of the High-Level Political Forum (8-18 July 2024). The event, held online, will be an opportunity to exchange good practices and successful experiences on ‘accelerating ocean-climate action and mobilising all actors including youth-centred partnerships to conserve and sustainably use the ocean’, contributing to the preparations of the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3) to convene in June 2025, co-hosted by France and Costa Rica.
Tuesday 16 July 2024
10:00 EDT / 16:00 CET/ 23:00 JST (90minutes)
Zoom Registration here.
The theme of the 2024 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) is ‘Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crisis: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions’. The HLPF will have an in-depth review of SDG1. No Poverty, SDG2. Zero Hunger, SDG 13. Climate Action, SDG 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and SDG17. Partnerships for Goals.
The side event will centre around SDGs 17 and 13, as well as SDG14 (Life Below Water) with a focus on partnerships for ocean-climate action. The side event will inform preparations prior to the UNO3, responding to the state of emergency facing the ocean, which include: (1) working for the successful conclusion of ocean-related multilateral processes to raise the level of ambition for ocean protection, (2) mobilising funding to support a blue sustainable economy, (3) strengthening and better disseminating knowledge related to ocean sciences for better decision-making.
To accelerate ocean-climate action, advancing effective ocean governance mechanisms and the development of a sustainable, regenerative blue economy practices at national, regional and continental levels, connecting policymakers, young emerging leaders and all actors (including marginalized communities) is fundamental for the ocean’s resilience and restoration capacity and assessing its ability to support significant transitions outlined in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this context, this side event will aim to create an operational blueprint for UNO3 bridging the gap between ocean sciences and action, catalyse North-South cooperation, exchange best practices and successful experiences; and raise awareness of the ocean-climate nexus at multilateral and cross-continental and levels.
A collective approach is needed to address some of the greatest challenges of our times - from climate change, ocean governance, migration, health to peace and security. It remains fundamental for cross-continental cooperation to align, work jointly, seek mutual understanding and unlock opportunities to mainstream ocean and climate development.
- Amb. Maritza Chan-Valverde, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations
- Pascal Lamy, Co-chair of the Africa-Europe Strategy Group on Ocean Governance, Vice Chair of the Paris Peace Forum, Chair of the EU “Ocean and Waters” Mission (TBC)
- Amb. Nancy Karigithu, Co-chair of the Africa-Europe Strategy Group on Ocean Governance, Kenya’s Ambassador and Special Envoy for Maritime and Blue Economy and former Principal Secretary for Shipping and Maritime Affairs for the Government of Kenya
- Victoria Alis, Project Manager, GOS-GEF-UNDP Blue Economy Project, Seychelles
- Salomé Zajbert, Eco Peace and Youth for SDGs participant from France
- Raj Mobaheer, Officer in Charge at the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)
- Koumba Cissé, Project Manager, Je m’engage Pour L’Afrique, France and Madagascar
Weclome and Closing Remarks: Yoshioka Tatsuya, Founder and Director, Peace Boat