Webinar Series: Dialogue on non-traditional security and COVID-19 in Northeast Asia
In its role as the Regional Secretariat for the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) in Northeast Asia, the Japan-based NGO Peace Boat will convene a series of three webinars in late 2020 for civil society representatives, researchers and interested members of the public on non-traditional security and COVID-19 in Northeast Asia.
Each of the three webinars will feature civil society representatives from different cities throughout Northeast Asia and beyond, to share their perspectives from both the local and regional. The series is supported by the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hong Kong Global Dialogue Programme.
Webinar 1: Civil society activism under the pandemic
November 26, 2020 (Thursday)
4-5pm Seoul-Tokyo / 3-4pm Hong Kong
The first in this series will focus on the impacts of COVID-19 on civil society activities in Northeast Asia. Speakers from Seoul, Tokyo and Hong Kong will share their reflections on how COVID-19 has impacted both their own work and also the broader activities of civil society in their locale. We will discuss various issues such the benefits and limitations of online activities, participation of youth, and broader impacts on organising. Further, the discussion will highlight future potential methodologies and innovations for civil society moving forward, as we continue to live with the ongoing COVID-19 situation and the “new normal,” looking how to use the pandemic as an opportunity to instead shift to more inclusive, sustainable and collaborative movements in the region.
Moderator: Meri Joyce (GPPAC Northeast Asia Regional Liaison Officer)
Speakers: Akira Kawasaki (Executive Committee Member, Peace Boat)
A-Young Moon (Representative, PEACE MOMO)
Man-kei Tam (Postdoctoral Fellow in Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Register here: https://forms.gle/PnJmDrJYtaYS76pj9
Webinar 2: Cross-border cooperation - Disasters, COVID-19 and Confidence Building
December 9, 2020 (Wednesday)
4-5pm Seoul-Tokyo / 12:45pm Kathmandu

Practitioners from several countries in Asia will share their reflections on multilateral cooperation within the region in the fields of natural disasters and COVID-19, both serious non-traditional security threats. The webinar will share both best practices and challenges from civil society work on the ground, considering experience in transboundary collaboration and natural disasters in South Asia, and lessons for Northeast Asia – where regional collaborative mechanisms are few. Further, it will discuss the strong incentive for regional cooperation in order to prevent, mitigate and manage threats, as well as the potential positive impact this can have on geopolitical relations from a peacebuilding perspective.
In collaboration with Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV).
Moderator: Meri Joyce (GPPAC Northeast Asia Regional Liaison Officer)
Speakers: Ikuno Suzuki (Peace Boat Disaster Relief, PBV)
Takeshi Komino (CWS Japan / Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network)
Abid Hussain (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development)
Register here: https://forms.gle/pe5a1V4HkDPpaufaA
Stay tuned for details on Webinars 2 and 3 coming up in December!