February 4, 2021 Press Conference in Tokyo
Announcing the Global Conference for a Nuclear Free, Renewable Energy Future: 10 Years Since Fukushima
Ten years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the disaster at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Many countries around the world have learned from the lessons of the disaster and taken major steps towards zero nuclear power and the promotion of renewable energy. However, Japan, the country responsible for the accident, has failed to make a decision for zero nuclear power and is lagging far behind the rest of the world.
A press conference was held in Tokyo and online on February 4 to announce a global online conference to be held on March 11, ten years since the disaster. Organised by the Federation of Promotion of Zero-Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy (Genjiren), an organisation co-founded by former Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro, Peace Boat is glad to join together with the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP), FoE Japan, and Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants as partner organisations.
This conference hopes to inform people in Japan of global trends promoting an energy shift, while also sharing information with people around the world of the current situation, lessons and challenges in Japan after the disaster at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. As the pandemic continues to expose people around the world to great hardship, this conference will also be an opportunity to pursue a new model for a sustainable post-COVID-19 society.
Please see the newly launched homepage for details including how to join. We look forward to your participation.
Web site: https://20210311.genjiren.com/en/