Ishikawa Noto Earthquake English Info Session with Focus on Volunteer Activities
Almost one month has passed since the earthquake in the Noto region in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.
The damage was extensive, with the loss of more than 230 lives, 43,000 houses damaged, and 10,000 residents still in evacuation centers.
Civil society organizations, including Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV), have been working closely with local governments, relevant agencies and aid organizations to provide necessary assistance to the affected population.
While tireless efforts to help those in the communities in Noto continue, a couple of local volunteer centers started their activities to respond to the local needs.
PBV, together with Social Innovation Japan and NGO Peace Boat, will hold another information session in English language on Sunday, February 4 from 5pm JST to share updates from the ground. This session will be joined by Robin Lewis, Co-Founder of Social Innovation Japan. Robin has been involved in a number of disaster relief projects both in Japan and abroad and will share his experience of disaster volunteer activities in Japan.
The session would be a great opportunity for those interested in supporting the affected communities through volunteering or other activities.
Due to the constantly changing local situation, the recording will not be publicized, however future sessions will also be held regularly.
Session Details:
Title: Ishikawa Noto Earthquake English Info Session with Focus on Volunteer Activities
Date and Time: February 4th at 5:00 pm
Venue: Online webinar
Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RV6UIUr4TaqFEn69BhCh_Q