Photo: Nakaoku Takeo
Nuclear weapons must not be used: Voices of Hibakusha
A-bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, shocked and distraught by the threat to use nuclear weapons stated by President Putin of Russia since his military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, have been raising their voice and appealing against any nuclear weapons use.
As the true experts knowing first-hand the impacts of any use of nuclear weapons, we urge the world to heed the warnings of the Hibakusha, and take action to prevent any use or threat of nuclear weapons.
On this page, we introduce some of their voices directed to Russia and the international community.
Putin & the Russian invasion of Ukraine "Candle Appeal" protest:
Speech by Moritaki Haruko, one of Hiroshima's leading peace activists and co-representative of the Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, a coalition of individuals based in Hiroshima working to abolish nuclear weapons.
March 8, 2022 Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome
Video: ANT-Hiroshima
Dear Putin, from a Nagasaki Survivor
Interview with Mr Morita Hiromitsu, an 88 year old Hibakusha by Joe Flynn, former Peace Boat volunteer.
Mr Morita shares his concerns about the situation in Ukraine by recalling his experience of the atomic bombing as a 10 year old, as well as his plea to ensure Nagasaki is the last place on earth to suffer nuclear devastation.
With subtitles in English and Russian.
Message from Ms Wada Masako, A-bomb survivor from Nagasaki.
Now, her message should be heard in all over the world.
Youth-led group Know Nukes Tokyo created this video, with subtitles provided by Peace Boat.
No more WAR
"Nuclear weapons must not be used"
An urgent message from Ms Higashino Mariko, second generation Hiroshima survivor.
"Can "security that depends on nuclear weapons" really protect humanity? If nuclear weapons are used and an exchange of nuclear attacks occurs on this earth, everything will become nothing, in an instant. We can only hope that a ceasefire and end to the war will be realised as soon as possible, not through weapons, but through dialogue."
Filmed by Peace Boat on April 12, 2022.
Prayers from Hiroshima by Kakuwaka Hiroshima, filmed by TimeRiver Pictures.
With subtitles in Russian, English and Japanese.
"What if the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant were to be exploded by an attack?"
An eager message from Mr Lee Jongkeun, A-bomb survivor from Hiroshima.
"I give testimony for children about the horror of nuclear weapons. I wish everyone in the world to understand this."
Filmed as part of the Hiroshima-ICAN Academy on March 13, edited by Peace Boat.
Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor Ogawa Tadayoshi, currently holding a photo exhibition on Ukraine, shares: "We need more budget for health and welfare, education and solving issues like poverty, not for military."
“Every Second Counts for the Survivors! - Peace Boat Hibakusha Project Online”:
Wishes for peace from Hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors Collected voices of Hibakusha during the online testimony sessions.
Video: Peace Boat
Voices from Online Hibakusha Testimony Sessions, October 2020 - May 2022 from Peace Boat on Vimeo.
【Видео с пожеланиями мира со всего мира, свидетельства хибакуся из Хиросимы и Нагасаки, передающие ужасы ядерного оружия, теперь доступно на английском и русском языке 】 Завершена работа над видеороликом, подводящим итоги нашей деятельности. Мы создали версию с английскими и русскими субтитрами, чтобы в то время, когда угроза ядерного оружия велика как никогда, люди во всем мире вновь прислушались к призыву о запрещении ядерного оружия.
Голоса с онлайн-сессий по свидетельствам хибакуся, октябрь 2020 - май 2022 гг. from Peace Boat on Vimeo.
Letters and Statements
(click on text for link)
- Statement by Hidankyo Secretary General sent to Russian Embassy in Tokyo (February 25, 2022)
- Tell the world that that the use or threat of nuclear weapons can never be condoned - a message from Setsuko Thurlow to Japanese Prime Minister Kishida (March 7, 2022)
- Hibakusha living in Brazil, Canada, Republic of Korea and Japan joint statement calling on Russia to stop invasion of Ukraine (March 7, 2022)
- Hibakusha Shares Anti-War Message with Ukraine Photos (NHK World, April 7, 2022)
- People in Hiroshima protest invasion of Ukraine (NHK World, April 10, 2022)
- 'I Survived a Nuclear Bomb. Putin Risks God's Punishment' (Newsweek, June 5, 2022)