Flood Relief Efforts in Western Japan
In response to the disasters caused by the torrential rains and flooding in widespread areas of Western Japan in early July 2018, the Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center has been working to support the locals in Mabicho and surrounding areas. The relief effort started with a damage assessment by the dispatched expert staff members to identify the needs of the local residents, then moved to diverse support activities, ranging from hot meal distribution, assistance in evacuation center management, house cleaning, support for the operation of the volunteer center, community rebuilding and photo-cleaning. Hundreds of volunteers joined the PBV from all over Japan and overseas, relaying a baton of willingness to help to the next volunteers over the 250 days since the disaster.
Now the evacuation centers are closed and evacuees have moved to their temporary residence or returned to their homes after cleaning. But they are still in need of help with making their houses into homes, restoring their livelihood, and bringing back their memories in their hometown. The PBV is now moving from emergency relief phase to the next phase to create a long term support while enhancing the networks with the local stakeholders. To mark the progress of the relief efforts and recovery of the community, the PBV has published an interim report on the project in Kurashiki. The report offers overview of the disaster, outline of the PBV’s activities and explanation on individual project teams.
Taking this opportunity, we would like to send our heartfelt gratitude to our donors, supporters and volunteers for making this project possible.