Al Gore takes the stage to deliver the keynote address
Peace Boat and the Climate Reality Project
From June 5-7, Peace Boat attended the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, hosted by former US Vice-President and climate activist Al Gore in Brisbane, Australia. Following the release of his 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, Gore created the Climate Reality Project in 2011 with the goal of training individuals to be leaders and advocates for action on climate change. As part of this goal, Climate Reality hosts training conferences several times a year around the world, teaching participants about not only the science, policy, lived experience, and reality of climate change, but also in the various mediums available and effective means of communication.
In Brisbane, Peace Boat joined around 800 other participants from Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific region, including students, civil society, and all corners of the corporate world. Much like the participants, the presenters similarly hailed from all across the spectrum ranging from scientists like Professor Xuemei Bai, to indigenous activists and custodians like Dr Anne Poelina and Vic McGrath, and business leaders like Mike Cannon-Brookes and Dr Zhengrong Shi, providing insight on the myriad effects of climate change, and the solutions each sector of society has to offer. After an engaging and succesful (and busy!) three days, Peace Boat looks forward to the next Climate Reality Project training conference, which will be held in Tokyo in October 2019.
Participants came from all sectors including civil society, the corporate world, as well as many students. Peace Boat International Coordinator Daniel Read is pictured on the left.