The North American Youth Adaptation Forum: amplifying youth voices on climate change adaptation
Peace Boat and Peace Boat US is delighted to be hosting the North American Youth Adaptation Forum organized by the Global Center for Adapation. The Forum is aimed at ensuring youth voices from the region are present, heard and considered in the climate change adaptation agenda, including in the review of the Global Goal on Adaptation, the first collective commitment to enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change established with the Paris Agreement.
15 July 14:00 - 16:00 EDT (New York time)
Register here to participate in person (in NYC) or online
Event description:
The North American Youth Adaptation Forum will contribute to the review of the Global Goal on Adaptation and bring together young people, youth organizations, policy makers and global experts with the overall objective of elevating youth voices and increasing the power of influence of young people worldwide in the adaptation agenda. It is one of seven regional forums organized by GCA ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference. Peace Boat was a co-organizer of the European Forum at the Bonn Climate Conference in June.
North America is projected to experience a multiplicity of climate change impacts across all regions. Average temperatures are expected to increase significantly, particularly in northern subregions, and fire weather is projected to increase. Sea levels are expected to continue to rise, leading to coastal flooding and erosion.1 In addition, the continent is already facing extreme weather events. In June 2021, Canada faced an unprecedented and deadly heat wave, with temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius. Adaptation efforts are crucial to avert the worst climate change impacts.
The GCA North American Youth Adaptation Forums aims to:
Identify youth priorities and recommendations regarding the achievement and implementation of the Global Goal on Adaptation
Elevate youth voices across the globe through GCA’s platform allowing young people, especially those from marginalized and vulnerable communities, to shape the international adaptation agenda
Showcase youth-led climate-resilient solutions to accelerate adaptation action
The forum will take a hybrid format. It will take place during the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and is listed as an official (virtual) side event of the HLPF, under the title “North American Youth Adaptation Forum: Educating and Empowering Youth for Climate Adaptation to Build Back Better” organized by Peace Boat with the Global Center for Adaptation. The in-person event will take place at the Church Center for the United Nations at 777 United Nations Plaza, opposite UN Headquarters in New York City. Those participating in person are also invited to a networking luncheon prior to the event from 1pm. No special accreditation is needed to access the Church Center. Please register above to participate in person or online.
The recommendations of the GCA Regional Forums including the North American Youth Adapation Forum will be compiled in a publication and shared with decision-makers at global gatherings, including the Friends of GCA High-Level Dialogue meeting, and at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt in November.