#SupportPeaceBoat Global Crowdfunding Campaign Update
Thank you to all those who have been part of the #SupportPeaceBoat campaign over the past month. As of August 31, we have raised $710,219 with the support of 1,200 donors which meets over two thirds of our goal! It is truly amazing how far we have come with your support.
Along with the #SupportPeaceBoat crowdfunding campaign, our friends and partners in Japan and around the world have made incredible donations to Peace Boat directly, and this support is included in the total amount raised.
Again, thank you!
We have received many heartfelt messages throughout this month, reminding us of the impact that connections between people can have on efforts for nuclear disarmament, conflict resolution based on mutual understanding, civil society involvement in peacebuilding, peace with our ocean and more. With our determination to continue working for a better world and future stronger than ever, we have decided to continue seeking donations beyond the original campaign period (August 3-31).
The campaign page will be kept open to ensure our projects, partnerships, and fundraising efforts can continue. Please keep an eye out for more programs and events!
With deepest appreciation from your friends, colleagues and family with Peace Boat US and Peace Boat,
Here are some of the words from the guest speakers who joined us in the series of the event this month!
"Peace Boat is a home, a sanctuary, especially for those affected by conflict, silenced by oppression, invisibilised by injustice."
“We all left Peace Boat just saying WOW. It was an absolutely amazing, eye-opening, connecting opportunity… these connections and networks we are all using now to go on and bring about change”
"Peace Boat is a space for dissent, engagement, debate. In a post-COVID world Peace Boat would have an even more important role to play."
"The fight (for peace) is real and hard, but hope and optimism are essential and strategic, and that is something Peace Boat fully embodies. Supporting Peace Boat is supporting global activists."