#SupportPeaceBoat - online event series!
As part of our global crowdfunding campaign, Peace Boat held a series of exciting online events throughout this month with many of our partners, guest educators, volunteers and friends from around the world. These were all livestreamed via our dedicated Facebook account and on Youtube, and can be accessed for later viewing through the links provided below.
Special Event Archives
In case you missed it, all of our previous events from throughout August can be watched in full on Youtube here!
You can also catch them on our dedicated Facebook channel @SupportPeaceBoat for those who prefer.
August 3: Traveling through Peace Boat's voyages, past to present
Featuring Ann Wright, Yoshioka Tatsuya and Emilie McGlone
August 7: Around the World with Peace Boat - Next Call: The Middle East
Featuring Rami Naser Eddin, Jal Kulenovic and Jasna Bastic
August 11: Inspiring stories from around the world: Peace Boat through the lens of a Photographer
Featuring Stacy Hughes, James Rodriguez and Silvia Cantu
August 14: Around the World with Peace Boat-Next Port of Call: Europe
Featuring Jonny Baxter, Dagmar Nolden and Lena Lindahl
August 19: Peace Boat x GPPAC Special Event: Networking for Peace, Voyaging with GPPAC
Featuring Darynell Rodriguez Torres, Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, Gus Miclat and Moe Sasaki
With the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
August 20: Making Peace with the Ocean: Sharing Inspiring Stories for Climate Action and Ocean Conservation
Featuring Cassia Patel, Brandon Levy, Khadija Stewart and Sara Van Eerde
August 21: The World is our Classroom - Peace Boat's Global University
Featuring Kenro Oshidari, Lynda-Ann Blanchard, Mario Gomez and four Global University alumni
August 24: Around the World with Peace Boat - Next Port of Call: Latin America
Featuring Ruben Escalante Hasbun, Maria Antonia Perez and Akira Uchimura
August 25: Alderedor del Mundo con el Barco de la Paz - Siguente Puerto: América Latina
Un evento especial en español
A special edition of Around the World with Peace Boat in Spanish!
Featuring Ana Francis Góngora, Wago Méndez, Ana Sofia Pinedo and Maria Antonia Perez
August 26: Journey with Hibakusha: The Role of Survivors in Banning Nuclear Weapons
Featuring Kathleen Sullivan, Ari Beser, Céline Nahory and Kawasaki Akira, with special messages by Sasamori Shigeko and Beatrice Fihn
August 27: Music & Art for Social Change
Featuring DJ Spooky, Dragon97, Pier Bucci and more