Stop Killing Gaza: Peace Boat uses ship to appeal for an immediate ceasefire
Read Peace Boat's statement which was issued on October 13
Distressed at the escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel, and the unprecedented loss of life, Peace Boat has been using its ship to call for an immediate ceasefire, an end to all violations of international law and for full access for humanitarian aid in Gaza.
Piraeus, Greece
When Peace Boat’s ship docked in Piraeus, Greece on November 3 as part of the 115th Global Voyage, two large banners with the words “Stop Killing Gaza” were hoisted on the sides of the ship. Participants onboard were joined by local groups appealing for a ceasefire. Those joining the appeal included former Minister Thodoris Dritsas, the former MP Eleni Stamataki, many councillors of the Municipality of Piraeus, Kostas Foteinakis on behalf of "Friends of Nature", Panos Trigazis of PADOP as well as the well-known Palestinian activist Mohamed El Bata.
Appeals were made by International Director of the 115th Voyage, Hatakeyama Sumiko, The President of the Palestinian Community in Greece, Mohamed El Said, President of the Greek branch of IPPNW, Maria Arvanitis Sotiropoulou, Giorgos Gagos on behalf of Solidarity for All and Khaled Emam, a human rights lawyer from Egypt and guest educator on the 115th voyage.
Istanbul, Turkey/Turkiye
The appeal continued at the next port of Istanbul where participants gathered on the deck held placards saying "Humanitarian Aid to Gaza" and "Hospitals are not Targets", "Ceasefire Now". The appeal was supported by representatives of DİSK, a union center with approximately 200,000 members.

Port Said, Egypt
As the death toll in Gaza passed 10,000, Peace Boat docked in Port Said, Egypt. There participants were joined by local organizers in the square in front of the ship. President of the Khaled El-Balshy, Chair of Egypt's Journalists Syndicate appealed for an immediate end to the bombardment. He emphasized the number of children that had been killed and said that journalists had also been targeted. He told those who had gathered that in the short time they had been in the square, 6 children in Gaza had been killed.
The appeal was reported widely in Egyptian media including broadcasts across several television channels.