Unification Minister appoints the new Goodwill Ambassadors
Peace Boat staff appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Six ‘Goodwill Ambassadors for Peace on the Korean Peninsula’ were officially appointed by Republic of Korea Unification Minister Lee In-young at the opening ceremony of the Korea Global Forum for Peace on September 7, including Peace Boat International Coordinator Meri Joyce. The Ambassadors are appointed in hopes of strengthening international cooperation for peace in the area.
‘Goodwill Ambassadors for Peace on the Korean Peninsula’ are civilian experts and activists who will work to increase international interest through global peace movement networks, and promote public diplomacy through cooperation with civil societies around the world.
Peace Boat is honoured that Meri Joyce joins along with Lisa Clark, Co-President of the International Peace Bureau; Lee "Francis" Daehoon, Professor at SungKongHoe University; Chung Jujin, Director of the Center for Peace & Conflic Resolution; Yoon Sung-wook, Professor at Chungbuk National University and Kim Dong-jin, Marie Curie Fellow at Trinity College as the six newly appointed Ambassadors.
Meri Joyce was reocognised for her role in coordinating civil society dialogue for peace on the Korean Peninsula as Northeast Asia Regional Liaison Officer of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC). Coordination of the GPPAC network in Northeast Asia builds upon Peace Boat's decades of work in partnership with civil society in Korea and throughout the region for peace, denuclearization and sustainability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.
For the next two years, Goodwill Ambassadors will convey messages of the civil society on the international stage and promote international solidarity for peace on the Korean Peninsula. During her speech at the appointment ceremony, Meri spoke of the hope that this role can be more than symbolic, but an opportunity to have challenging discussions, to build bridges between different sectors, and to develop more new connections and partnerships for creative action.
For additional information, refer to the Ministry of Unification press release here.