[Webinar] Failed nuclear export strategy – Hitachi's withdrawal from Wylfa Newydd and the current state of nuclear industry
Next year marks 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011 and the subsequent nuclear accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The accident robbed people of their lives, livelihood, communities, and precious time with their families, all in harmony with the blessings of nature. The accident still affects a lot of people. On the other hand, under the slogan of "reconstruction" the current situation of the ongoing accident and the problems of nuclear power plants are made "invisible", creating an atmosphere in which people cannot talk about health issues and anxiety.
In September 2020, Japanese industry heavyweight Hitachi announced its decision to completely withdraw from the Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Project on the island of Anglesey in Wales. The governments of Japan and the UK had both been considering the use of public money to back the project. So why did Hitachi end up abandoning the project? One major factor was strong and persistent community opposition to the nuclear plant due to its huge risks for society and the environment. This webinar focuses on the moves of Hitachi, the voices of the local people, and the current situation of the nuclear industry, including its attempts to promote Small Modular Reactors. Please join us to learn more. English interpretation will be provided.
Event Details
When: 18 November 2020 7PM - 9PM JST / 10AM-12AM GMT
Where: We will use zoom meeting for the webinar.
Register: https://forms.gle/mG5ZPd7Hxoi2tC1x8
Program (tentative)
Why did Hitachi withdraw from the nuclear project in Wales? / Ayumi Fukakusa, FoE Japan
Not nuclear but a sustainable future for Anglesey Island! Local voices / Members of PAWB (People against Wylfa B/ Pobl Atal Wylfa B)
Nuclear industry is shrinking, is SMR a future of nuclear ? / Hajime Matsukubo, CITIZENS' NUCLEAR INFORMATION CENTER (CNIC)