First around the world voyage on the "Oceanos", 1990
Looking Back: Peace Boat’s first global voyages
Peace Boat organized its first around-the world voyage in 1990, lasting three months. That was the organisation's 10th voyage, only 7 years after its very first voyage in 1983, when it sailed to islands in the Pacific in a small boat for 12 days. Since then, Peace Boat has organized dozens of global and regional voyages, celebrating cultural diversity, human solidarity and a peaceful world!
Itinerary for the first global voyage
Yoshioka Tatsuya, director and founder of Peace Boat: "The reason I visioned the Peace Boat's first world cruise was the end of the Cold War in 1989. I saw that the world was changing and wanted to give the opportunity to the participants to see and feel the world, not divided by the Cold War any more, but connected. What is interesting is that we appeared to come to the middle of the Gulf War ' 90 on our route and I realized that the world would not be the paradise after the Cold War and that we have to work very hard to maintain peace".
Peace Boat's second global voyage, the 16th Voyage, departed in April 1994, while the third global voyage set sail one year later in June 1995, marking the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. This was the first time a group of participants visited Auschwitz, which has remained a focal point in our educational programmes as Peace Boat sails through Europe.
Second global voyage on the Golden Odyssey
Brochure "Around the World Twice, 1994"
As shown in this brochure, the second around-the world voyage took place on the ship the Golden Odyssey. During this voyage Peace Boat visited New York for the first time, which led to participation in many events and United Nations conferences in New York in the years since. In 2006, Peace Boat established a sister organisation Peace Boat US, with an office opposite the UN Headquarters in New York, in collaboration with the Hague Appeal for Peace.
Newsletter announcing the programme onboard Peace Boat over the Atlantic
The newsletter for the segment over the Atlantic Ocean on the 16th voyage introduced various themes discussed onboard: Japan and the UN, the role of the World Bank, the war in ex-Yugoslavia, Palestine and Israel and much more.
World map from the onboard newspaper, 1994
Jasna Bastic, guest speaker from ex-Yugoslavia, said, “This map is the most wonderful working agenda ever! I was onboard from Catania to New York, and it was unforgettable! I had never learned from books or the media as much about the world as I learned on that voyage, it was all eye-opening!"