Event at the UNHQ - Global Youth Perspectives : From Awareness Raising to Action for Our Ocean
On June 7, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, the international NGO Peace Boat will host a special event for global youth leaders to come together to highlight local initiatives for the SDGs , including Goals 5, 13 and 14. This interactive dialogue on why the ocean matters and how to make a difference for our oceans will encourage youth engagement in raising awareness of the benefits derived from the ocean and our individual and collective duty to take action, with the overarching theme of this year's UN World Oceans Day, “Gender and Oceans.
Highlighted in this event will be the Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassadors, a delegation of eight young leaders from small island states in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Caribbean. The Youth Ambassadors are currently travelling onboard Peace Boat as it sails from Europe to New York City, engaging in capacity building and sharing their testimonies from their island communities on the frontlines of climate change and ocean degradation, as well as their actions for oceans and climate. This programme, first launched at the UN Oceans Conference in 2017, highlights SDG13 (Climate Action) and SDG14 (Life Below Water) as part of Peace Boat’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and as a partner to the UN SDG Action Campaign.
Friday, 7 June 2019
United Nations Headquarters, New York
From 13:00 – 14:30 PM
Program :
- Introduction by Emilie McGlone, Director of Peace Boat US
- Welcome Remarks: UN Youth Envoy / Representative
Youth Panel Discussion :
- Peace Boat Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassadors :
Youth representatives from small island states in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Caribbean will report on their experiences in the 2019 Peace Boat Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador Programme, which focuses on SDG13 (Climate Action) and SDG14 (Life Below Water)
- Daniela Fernandez, Founder, Sustainable Ocean Alliance :
Young people working towards innovative and sustainable business ideas
- Tre Packard, Founder of the PangeaSeed Foundation :
Presentation on the intersection of culture and environmentalism to further the conservation of our oceans
- Interactive workshop
- Closing Remarks
* Capacity is limited and RSVP is required by Wednesday, June 5 at 16:00 PM EST.