Yuan Qun discussing different approaches to healthy living
From the Ship
Yuan Qun: leading healthy lives on board as well as on land
As voyage 114 approached its second month aboard, participants welcomed onboard guest educator Yuan Qun, Professor of Endocrinology at Beijing First Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine and Doctor of Medical Science from Tohoku University. Originally from Nanjing, China, he studied traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine while at medical school. After completing clinical research at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences as a clinician, he moved to Japan to become a research fellow. This experience began in Sendai where he pursued his doctorate in medicine from Tohoku University. Yuan Qun’s doctorate led to his specialization in “metabolic diseases caused by lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, gout, and obesity.”
In the frontline of medical care
Yuan Qun’s philosophy as a doctor focuses on treating patients with adjustments to their daily habits. He has lectured in various parts of China, Europe, and the United States on topics related to his philosophy such as natural treatments for metabolic diseases. On Peace Boat, Yuan Qun primarily discussed the different facets of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine and his advice for remaining healthy whilst traveling on a ship. Additionally, he spoke with participants about his time in Wuhan after the beginning of Covid-19 and amid the pandemic, especially about his experience as a medical corps leader and being in the frontline of emergency medical care during such an uncertain time.
Yuan Qun on his time as a medical corps leader
While aboard Peace Boat, Yuan Qun gave five lectures on various topics related to his field. His many lectures focused on the following: “How to Stay Healthy Onboard”, “Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine”, “ Walking in Japan”, “Doctors in Covid-19 – Three Years of Struggle”, “What is Your Constitution”, and “My Stay in Wuhan as a Medical Corps Leader”. His first lecture, “How to Stay Healthy Onboard”, reminded everyone how it is never too late to incorporate new health tips and improve your daily lifestyle. The lecture “Walking in Japan” dove into Yuan Qun’s experience living in Sendai, Japan’s city of trees, and how people’s interactions with landscaping can affect health. One of Yuan Qun’s most uniquely-related lectures encouraged participants to take into consideration how every person has their constitution, and that constitution should be considered when deciding on which diet or treatment to receive for the best results.
Yuan Qun’s involvement in Peace Boat was very popular amongst the participants because of his ability to discuss both serious issues related to the medical field and more relatable topics by offering advice on how to incorporate healthy changes to live a healthy life or receive the best results out of a treatment or medicine.