From the Ship
Visit to Sri Yasodara Girls Home, Sri Lanka
On April 30 Peace Boat’s114th Global Voyage called at Colombo, Sri Lanka’s largest city. There were a number of exchange programmes including with Kelaniya University. One group of participants visited Sri Yasodara Girls Home, an orphanage on the outskirts of Colombo.
The Girls Home provides a stable place to live and grow up for girls from various backgrounds, who are unable to live with their parents. The home has supported many children since it was founded 40 years ago including those who lost their parents during the 2002 Tsunami or through civil war. There are currently 30 girls at the home.
Peace Boat has been visiting this facility every time the ship comes to Colombo for about 20 years, and has a strong relationship with the organization which has been run by Mrs Lokumaniyo since its foundation some 40 years ago. Some of the children have been meeting with participants from Peace Boat since they were small children and are now 25 years old. We were delighted to return again during the 114th voyage for a fun day of cultural exchange with music, games and dance.
The participants arrived at the girls home and were welcomed warmly with a delicious coconut drink. Ms Rocmanillo gave a welcome speech explaining about the girls’ home , the work of the organization and the long relationship with Peace Boat. After some more words of introduction about Peace Boat, it was time for the exchange. The children had been practicing hard songs and dances to share with for the Peace Boat participants who really enjoyed the performance. Next it was time for the Peace Boat participants to share with the girls Japanese songs and dances which they had prepared on board. They brought with them materials for calligraphy and origami which they enjoyed together.
After a morning of excitement and fun, communicating together in Japanese, Sinhala, English and gestures it was time for some delicious homecooked Sri Lankan curry. The Peace Boat participants also delivered various items to the Girls Home including stationary, clothing and soaps as part of the United People’s Alliance (UPA) Project.