From the Ship
Peace Boat sails again with the 114th Voyage appealing for peace in Ukraine
Peace Boat’s 114th Global Voyage has departed Japan onboard Peace Boat’s new vessel, M/V Pacific World. This is the first voyage in three years due to the global pandemic and takes place as Peace Boat celebrates it’s 40th anniversary. During the departure ceremony at Yokohama Osanbashi terminal, Peace Boat Director and Founder, Yoshioka Tatsuya expressed his gratitude to everyone who has supported Peace Boat during this time. “The only reason Peace Boat has been able to continue for 40 years is thanks to each and every one of you”, he said.
Peace Boat Director and Founder, Yoshioka Tatsuya
This is also the first Peace Boat voyage since the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia last year and a special focus of the voyage will be appealing for peace in Ukraine and humanitarian aid for Ukrainian refugees. Speaking at a press conference in front of the ship in Yokohama,Yoshioka Tatsuya said “It is precisely because people are now feeling a sense of crisis about peace that so many people have supported Peace Boat and we have been able to resume our voyages”.
Press Conference: Peace Boat 40 Years Anniversary! First voyage since the pandemic, appealing for Peace in Ukraine
Captain Viktor Alymov from Odessa, Ukraine, is currently sailing onboard the 114th Voyage as the Commodore (Honorary Captain). Captain Alymov has served as the captain of Peace Boat Voyages since 2009, taking more than 10,000 passengers from Japan around the world. Speaking at the press the Captain explained that when the military invasion began, he was in his home town of Odessa, Ukraine where he experienced the missiles and rockets. He evacuated Ukraine with his wife and granddaughter to Constanza in Romania. “Since the war started, I have received a lot of support from Peace Boat friends. Messages from people all over the world encouraged me and kept me going” he said.
Captain Alymov will sail as Commodore until Singapore. From there he will return to Romania. He said he was very happy to be able to be involved in the Peace Boat voyages again in this way, and he hoped that Peace Boat will continue its voyages for peace. In Romania, Captain Alymov says he is trying to build a community and is working to support new refugees from Ukraine to Romania. He said it is very important to feel that you are doing something good for other people.
Captain Viktor Alymov from Odessa, Ukraine
Since the beginning of the military invasion by Russia in February 2022, Peace Boat, through Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV), has been working with local organizations in Romania where many refugees have evacuated and in Ukraine, in particular PATRIR which is also a member of the Global Partnership to Prevent Armed Conflict (GPPAC). Peace Boat volunteers have been carrying out fundraising activities across Japan and a total of 150 million yen (including grants) have been raised to support partner organizations conducting humanitarian relief activities in Ukraine and the neighbouring region. Fundraising will also continue onboard the ship during the voyage.
One of the volunteers involved in fundraising is university student Uekusa Natsumi who is currently a participant onboard the 114th voyage. Also speaking at the press conference, Ms Uekusa said she sees this voyage as an opportunity to learn about what is happening in the world. She was pleased to be able to involved in the fundraising activities and to continue to do so on board. A group of participants including Ms Uekusa will leave the ship temporarily from the port of Piraeus, Greece and directly deliver donated funds and relief supplies to aid organizations in Romania. There participants will meet with Captain Alymov and refugees from Ukraine and learn more about the ongoing situation. Yoshioka said “Relief supplies and fundraising activities are small things, but it is the accumulation of such activities that creates peace. It is with this in mind that we have continued Peace Boat for 40 years”.
114th Global Voyage Director, Tamura Miwako
The 114th Voyage left Yokohama on Friday and Kobe on Saturday. Captain Kaspar Janson, said he was deeply honoured to be the captain of the 114th voyage and that Peace Boat voyages "are special and unique, with the purpose of peace and friendship". 114th Global Voyage Director, Tamura Miwako expressed her appreciation to everyone for their support of Peace Boat, especially those who had contributed to the crowdfunding campaign during the pandemic. She said she was proud and honoured to be Voyage Director on such a momentous voyage. The 114th voyage will sail for 3 months with 1,400 participants, travelling mainly around Northern Hemisphere, visiting 23 ports in 17 countries and returning to Japan in July.
M/V Pacific World departs from the port of Kobe