Building a Peaceful Tomorrow for Future Generations: Global Hibakusha Testimonies in New York City2024/06/17
“All Hands on Deck:” Celebrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Peace Boat’s 40th Anniversary in New York City2023/10/04
Peace Boat Side Event at the SDG Summit 2023: Collaboration and Crossector Partnerships for Capacity Development and Youth Engagement on SDG142023/08/29
Looking Back: Peace Boat and the United Nations - Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC since 20022020/06/25
Peace Boat in New York: Advocating for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons at the UN and Beyond2019/10/30
Youth Champions for Securing our Common Future: A Peace Boat and United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Initiative2019/10/18
Peace Boat at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)2019/07/12
Event at the UNHQ - Global Youth Perspectives : From Awareness Raising to Action for Our Ocean2019/06/05
Peace Boat’s Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassadors Programme sails from Malta to New York City2019/05/24
Event with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs - "Youth Ambassadors Working Towards a Nuclear-Free Future"2019/04/05
Peace Boat and the UN DPI celebrate a 'Floating Festival for Sustainability onboard the ship in New York2016/10/31